As the climate and nature crisis accelerates, the creative community are needed more than ever, to focus our creativity on this moment and find the solutions we need.

Organisations across Arts Council England’s national portfolio are taking climate action with practical and creative responses, including reducing their carbon emissions. They are all at different stages of their journeys: many have already made good progress in reducing their energy-related emissions through energy monitoring, improving controls and energy efficiency upgrades, while others are just starting out or keen to do more.

Transforming Energy is an ambitious programme that builds on the learning from the flagship Spotlight programme, funded by Arts Council England, which supported some of the largest emitters in the portfolio to achieve measurable reductions in their buildings. It enabled them to develop good environmental management practices and a Science-Based Targets pathway to net zero.

The Transforming Energy Programme has two strands of activity designed to support organisations, whatever stage they are at, in reducing their emissions.

The Transforming Energy Programme

Strand 1: Buildings Net Zero Energy

The Buildings Net Zero Energy programme is for buildings-based cultural organisations, enabling/ supporting them to start or progress on their net zero journeys and prepare for a green transition.

Available Support

Organisations enrolled on the programme have access to:

Strand 2: Capital Investment Ready

This programme will work with two cohorts of ten organisations that are already making significant progress in energy reductions. It will support them to prepare for the electrification of one key cultural venue, taking advantage of funding opportunities when they become available to the sector, and allowing them to decarbonise their buildings by 2030.

Available Support

Participating organisations have access to:

Julie’s Bicycle works in partnership with Arts Council England to deliver an ambitious Environmental Programme for National Portfolio Organisations and the wider cultural sector.

Pilio, as the science and technical partner, continues to support this work and provides the resources and tools for energy management for organisations in Strand 2: Capital Investment Ready.


All organisations participating in both Strand 1 and Strand 2 should complete their Scorecards using the link below. You will be asked to complete this again later in the programme, to help to track your progress.


The Energy Scorecard is a short survey to find out how holistic is your organisation's energy management.

Login: Scorecard

Energy Tool

Organisations that are part of Strand 2 - Capital Investment Ready, are eligible to sign up to have free access to the Energy Tool. Please log-in or create an account below to help to monitor and manage your energy within the Publicly facing venue that you have nominated to get 'capital investment ready' as part of the programme.

Energy Tool

Energy monitoring and management tool to support organisations in the Strand 2: Capital Investment Ready.

Login: Energy Tool